@ www.flickr.com/photos/daugsch
Crowley's Hieroglyphs of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu.
Crowley's Hieroglyphs of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu.
personal seal ring bearing - info@93ltd.co.uk.
Thelema NOW! - Podcast on iTunes
_ Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)
_ Podcast available through iTunes.
_Our mission is to provide listeners with interesting, informative, thougth-provoking interviews feturing individuals involved in myriad realms of mysticism, spirituality and magical theory and pratice: authors, sorcerers, academics, entertainers. Weall be looking into everything except intra organizational politics as thatas ground very thoroughly tilled by other programs. (Opinions expressed on this program by interviewees and interviewers are theirs alone and not necessarily represent those of Ordo Templi orientis (O.T.O.), Ordo Templi orientis U.S.A. (O.T.O.-U.S.A.), or any of their officers or directors.)
Occult America by Mitch Horowitz
-The spirit medium who became America’s first female religious leader in 1776
- The supernatural passions that marked the career of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith
- The rural Sunday-school teacher whose clairvoyant visions instigated the dawn of the New Age
- The prominence of mind-power mysticism in the black-nationalist politics of Marcus Garvey
-The Idaho druggist whose mail-order mystical religion ranked as the eighth-largest faith in the world during the Great Depression
comes out September 8.
Dionysus -Thomas Dionysus Emerson
Thomas "Dionysus" Emerson
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thelema - The Roar of a Lion in the Wilderness
The blog of Dionysus 9=2, whose word is GROWTH, Magus of the Aeon of Horus
Rudi Daugsch Books - Israel Regardie
Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment
Israel Regardie.Samuel Weiser,Inc. Revised Paperback Edition 1975. This book is greatefully DEDICATED to Carr P. Collins Jr.,who suggested and inspired it in the first place,and without whom it would never have been written- or completed!
The Tree of Life
Israel Regardie.The Aquarian Press,1980,The Second Edition.Dedicated with poignant memory of what might have been to MARSYAS.
A Garden of Pomegranates
Israel Regardie.Llewellyn High Magick Series,Sixth Printing 1986.Cover Art: Majory Paskaruk.To ANK-AF-NA-KHONSU the priest of the princes.
@ www.flickr.com/photos/daugsch
Rudi Daugsch Books - The Western Tradition Magic
Isis unveiled,pastel by Austin Osman Spare, 1954.Magic The Western Tradition by Francis King 1975.Art and imagination General Editor: Jill Purce. Thames and Hudson,London.
In Theory And Practice.Once Jimmy Page had his own Aleister Crowley bookshop: The Equinox Bookshop, 4,Holland Street, Kensington, London.
@ www.flickr.com/photos/daugsch
Rudi Daugsch Books - Israel Regardie
- Israel Regardie.The Aquarian Press Limited 1982. -Israel Regardie.Llewellyn Publications 1970. This book was completed in February 1936,anterior to the writing of The Art of True Healing,whilst I was still resident in London. "The Wisdom of Enlightment is inherent in every one of us.It is because of the delusion under which our mind works that we fail to realise it ourselves,and that we have to seek the advice and guidance of the highly enlightened one before we can know our essence of mind. You should know that so far as Buddha-nature is concerned,there is no difference between an enlightened man and an ignorant one.What makes the difference is that one realises it,while the other is kept in ignorance of it."Sutra of Wei Lang -Israel Regardie.A Helios Book 1970.The first step towards freedom and health is a conscious realization of the vast spiritual reservoir in wich we live and move and have our being.The second step lies in a slightly different direction. Regulated breathing. @ www.flickr.com/photos/daugsch |
Moina Mathers
Moina Mathers 1865 - 1928
‘’Vestigia Nulla Restrorsum’’
aka “ I leave no traces behind.” , " I never retrace my steps"
- artist ( Slade School of Art) and occultist (scrying sibyl) at the turn of the 20th century,of Polish and English Irish descent
- fourth out of seven children; father, Michel Bergson (composer) and mother, Katherine Levison,
- Sister of French philosopher Henri Bergson, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927
- 1887, met in the British Museum, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers ,occultist, founder Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- 1888 first non-founding member initiate on the G.D. in (March)
- 1890 Married MacGregor Mathers
- artistic contributions, creation color scales of the Order and the painting of several vaults under the instruction of Mathers,
included : the Isis Urania, Ahathor, Alpha et Omega.
- performed High Priestess of Anari, in the Isis Rites composed by Mathers and Bois.
- London : Isis-Urania Temple
- 1894 Paris: Ahathoor Temple
- 1918 Samuel MacGregor Mathers died
- 1919, head Imperatrix : Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega Lodge. (successor GD, for 9 years)
- 1927, Moina's health began to decline, refusing all food (Sword of Wisdom, Ithell Colqhoun),
- 1928, July 25, at St. Mary Abbott's Hospital, passed away
"Dion Fortune ... claimed that Moina was responsible for the murder of a Miss Netta Fornario by means of black magic...
This accusation was ludicrous since the death of Moina occurred 18 months previous to the incident."
Samuel Mathers mentor and allied with Aleister Crowley briefly because of legal battles, and lawsuits over Crowley's publication of Order rituals
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