
Rudi Daugsch Books - Israel Regardie

Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment
Israel Regardie.Samuel Weiser,Inc. Revised Paperback Edition 1975. This book is greatefully DEDICATED to Carr P. Collins Jr.,who suggested and inspired it in the first place,and without whom it would never have been written- or completed!

The Tree of Life
Israel Regardie.The Aquarian Press,1980,The Second Edition.Dedicated with poignant memory of what might have been to MARSYAS.

A Garden of Pomegranates
Israel Regardie.Llewellyn High Magick Series,Sixth Printing 1986.Cover Art: Majory Paskaruk.To ANK-AF-NA-KHONSU the priest of the princes.

@ www.flickr.com/photos/daugsch

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