Jack Parsons: Jet Propelled

Jack Parsons: Jet Propelled Antichrist is a story about one of the fathers of modern rocketry and a founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which as part of NASA still leads the way in the development of rockets and the exploration of space. He was also an occultist, a sorcerer and a magus. The infamous magician Aleister Crowley the self-proclaimed Great Beast called him son. He called himself ‘The Antichrist’ and was repeatedly investigated by the FBI. At the age of 38 Parsons died in a mysterious explosion that made headlines around the US. Officially it was a tragic scientific accident — other interpretations of the event persist to this day.

Terence Mckenna denounces Relativism

Secrets of the Occult - The Magicians 1/10


abbey of thelema show

Michele Zingales at Abbey of Thelema
Serena Fanara at Abbey of Thelema
Federico Lupo at Abbey of Thelema

AC at letemps - K2 Photos

Les six alpinistes de l’expédition, la première à tenter l’ascension du K2, en 1902. Jules Jacot Guillarmod, assis au premier rang (à g.), tient dans sa main le déclencheur relié à l’appareil (Jules Jacot Guillarmod – Musée de l’Elysée)



What is Reality ? Reality is a figment of your imagination.
The neuron chemical impulses fired wen we are dreaming , fantasizing or hallucinating are indistinguishable from events we experience ... if what we perceive is often wrong , how can we know what is real and what isn't ?