
The Book Of Ma'at

Hymns to Ma'at: According to the Recently Discovered Manuscript

 The Book Of Ma'at:
According To The Recently Discovered Manuscript

 In 1936 Aleister Crowley wrote a letter to Charles S.Jones, one of his students of magick, aka Frater Achad, in which we mentioned a New Aeon, the Aeon of Ma'at, arriving simultaneously with the Aeon of Horus. 
  Frater Achad stated that, as Aleister Crowley had secretly informed him, the Aeon of Ma'at would begin in 1948 and last for approximately 2000 years. The New Aeon of Ma'at, which is known as the "Twin Current," because of its simultaneous development with the Aeon of Horus, is a cosmic overlap of the two aeons, whose temporal cycles run in spirals, so that each of the "Twin Currents" runs above and below the other one at any given time. The recent discovery of two notebooks which apparently represent Aleister Crowley's last books, "The Book of Ma'at" and "Hymns to Ma'at" confirm thecontent of the letter he wrote in 1936 to Frater Achad. These two last books represent, as Crowley himself wrote in their pages, "the greatest of all secrets." Also published by logostar press: "the book of ma'at".

Richard Kaczynski
= I was walking out the door when I posted but now that I'm back... Crowley's last works are clearly attested to in his diaries and copious correspondence. In his last years, he was hard at work on finishing "Aleister Explains Everything" (MWT) and getting "Liber Aleph" into press. Before that we had works like "The Book of Thoth." We know exactly what he was working on in those last years. Nowhere does Crowley reference any text fitting the description of the supposed "notebooks" published in this book, nor does their content agree with the cosmology delineated in "The Book of Thoth." I don't think the the term "double current" even entered the occult vocabulary until after "Liber Pennae Praenumbra" (ca 1977?) and its subsequent championship by Kenneth Grant. So...bogus.
Having looked at the online preview...Crowley was incapable of writing that badly.


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