
The Magicians Health: a Survival Guide by Josephine McCarthy

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/252587_194397293946465_5847314_n.jpgPicture Josephine McCarthy
The Magicians Health: a Survival Guide

free on her web site. ©copyright

1 - Chapter One      Knowing Your Body – Part One.....................  - Download File
2 - Chapter Two     Knowing Your Body – Part Two...................... - Download File
3 - Chapter Three   Energy and Magic  ........................................... - Download File
4 - Chapter Four     Symptoms, Reasons and Power Dynamics .....  - Download File
5 - Chapter Five     Tarot as a Diagnostic Part One: Layouts............ -

6 - Chapter Six       Tarot Diagnostics Part Two: Interpretations...... -
7 - Chapter Seven   Visionary Healing  - Part One ........................... -
8 - Chapter Eight    Visionary Healing - part Two ............................ -
9 - Chapter Nine     Homeopathy....................................................... -
10 - Chapter Ten      Herbs and Substances....................................... -
11 - Chapter Eleven Approaches to Self Healing and Maintenance.. -

 the rest of the chapters will be up over the next days and weeks as they are edited on the web site . Enjoy!

 Over the last few years I have been approached a number of times by various types of magicians who have suffered or are in the midst of suffering various physical and energetic complaints as a direct result of their own magical practice or involvement in various magical activities. Such issues are sadly a part of magical life, particularly when magicians are pushing to explore the magical depths of the inner worlds and of themselves. I wrote a chapter in my book 'The Magic of the North Gate' outlining some of the issues. But it would seem that the chapter raised more questions for people that it provided answers....


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