
Alchemical symbol

Line within circle.svgSalt (base matter)
Sulphur.svgSulfur (omnipresent spirit of life)
Mercury symbol.svgMercury (fluid connection between the High and the Low)

Earth Alchemy earth symbol.svgWater Alchemy water symbol.svg
Air Alchemy air symbol.svg
Fire Alchemy fire symbol.svg

Monas Hieroglyphica John Dee

Gold dominated by Sol ☉ ☼ ( Sun symbol.svg )
Silver dominated by Luna ☽ ( Crescent.svg )
Copper dominated by Venus ♀ (also: Copper symbol.svg )
Iron dominated by Mars ♂ ( Mars symbol.svg )
Tin dominated by Jupiter ♃ ( Jupiter symbol.svg )
Mercury (quicksilver) dominated by Mercury ☿ ( Mercury symbol.svg )
Lead dominated by Saturn ♄ ( Saturn symbol.svg )
            Antimony Antimony-symbol.svg
Arsenic Arsenic alchemical symbol.svg
Bismuth Bismuth symbol.png
Platinum ☽ ☉
Stone Stone symbol.svg
Sulfur Sulfur symbol 1 2.svg Sulphur.svg Brimstone

Calcination (Aries Aries.svg)
Congelation (Taurus Taurus.svg)
Fixation (Gemini Gemini.svg)
Dissolution (Cancer Cancer.svg)
Digestion (Leo Leo.svg)
Distillation (Virgo Virgo.svg)
Sublimation (Libra Libra.svg)
Separation (Scorpio Scorpio.svg)
Incineration (Sagittarius Sagittarius.svg)
Fermentation (CapricornCapricorn.svg)
Multiplication (Aquarius Aquarius.svg)
Projection (Pisces Pisces.svg)

Blue vitriol is copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate
Green vitriol is iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate
Oil of vitriol is sulfuric acid
Red vitriol is cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate
Roman vitriol is copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate
Spirit of vitriol is sulfuric acid
Sweet oil of vitriol is diethyl ether (not a sulfate)
Vitriol with no further qualification often means sulfuric acid
Vitriol of Mars is iron(III) sulfate
White vitriol is zinc sulfate heptahydrate



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