Alan Watts
1960 - Extract from a remarkable educational television series produced by KQED in San Francisco, "Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life". Within the context of any time between 1960 and today, this sobering logic sprinkles delightfully cool water on the dehydrated gullet of our society, beckoning the request: "More please!". ~ "This sudden dawning on our consciousness that life is not really a contest to make 'yes' triumph over 'no'... to make the positive triumph over the negative. The two sides go together. And then one sees in this strange way, that underlying all that is negative in the world, all that is in a way painful and evil, there is a kind of necessity to it. It goes with the good; it is necessary for the good. Disorder is necessary for the manifestation of order, just as you must have, say, a black background to show up a light figure."
Aleister Crowley Michael Bertiaux Marjorie Cameron Parsons Kimmel
Gerald Gardner Miguel Conner - Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio Alex & Maxine Sanders
Kenneth Grant James Wasserman http://www.studio31.com/ Carl Abrahamsson http://edda.se/index.html
Alan Moore Robert DeGrimston Moore of the Process Church Dr. Richard Kaczynski
Gary Lachman Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Mitch Horowitz - http://www.mitchhorowitz.com/
Wilhelm Reich Edgar Cayce Dr. Nevill Drury http://www.nevilldrury.com
Dr. Michael & Lilith Aquino, Church of Set G.I. Gurdjieff Anton Lavey
Freya Aswynn Mama Lola Nicholas Roerich - http://www.roerich.org/
Hagen Von Tulien Brian Butler Greg Kaminsky from Occult of Personality
Paul Weston http://www.paulwestonglastonbury.com/ Charles Papapetrou Annie Besant
Jhonn Balance of Coil Daryl Hall
AC Quotes
I have been accused of being a "black magician." No more foolish statement was ever made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it.
It is rare to meet a youth without high ideals, generous thoughts, a sense of holiness, of his own importance, which, being interpreted, is, of his own identity with God.
It is possible, even probable, that a man may be misled by the enthusiasm of an illumination, and if he should find apparent conflict between his spiritual duty and his duty to honour, it is almost sure evidence that a trap is being laid for him and he should unhesitatingly stick to the course which ordinary decency indicates.
By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them.
As soon as you put men together, they somehow sink, corporatively, below the level of the worst of the individuals composing it.
Intolerance is evidence of impotence.