
Rabelais Abbey Thelema

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BvtyH6w5axw/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.museemedard.fr/sites/museemedard.inexine.net/files/styles/notice_large/public/images/notices/Grand_Catalogue_2nd_supplement/341456201_B082/341456201_B082_04.JPG?itok=hnts_qoP

Drawing of the THELEMA ABBEY following Rabelais' description in Gargantua. The hexagonal building has been drawn by Ch. Lenormand and published in Rabelais et l'Architecture de la Renaissance, 1860. The Abbey has been realized later by the famous Aleister Crowley in a small house on the hills of Cefalu, Sicily.

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