
Let’s Talk Abot Fear

"Speak of the Devil and he appears."
"...For a magician, it is better to be possessed by the demon than ignored by him..."
(if ur possessed u know he is there, if it ignores u , he is still there, doing his business, its the same has a disease.)

The most important secret of magick – and of life: DO NOT BE AFRAID !

Do not get me wrong. It’s good to be cautious, but fear is poison. I am not fearlessness righteousness and courage, when I began it seemed like I was afraid of everything, i was superstitious, I fantasized ‘seeing’ things out of the corner of my eye, and had the most outlandish speculations.

My fears arose from my childhood religious programming. I was still unconsciously brainwashed – trapped in a hostile universe with a wrathful God who frightens little children into acceptable behavior (so that they grow into obedient God-fearing adult little children).    I was programmed by the doctrine of fear and self-loathing.

Gladly I had a magical mentor who ridiculed my childish fears and helped me develop an attitude of a scientist, driven by intense curiosity and wonder. A magician is faced with disturbing psychological and spirit-world challenges, and the key is, a detached attitude of fearlessness, determination, and an unshakeable passion for enlightenment.

a magician who believed health issues were the result of magical workings; it's best to ascribe them to the normal demons of body chemistry and stress. they aren't caused by a magical operation, your doubts and fears over the matter only serves to give the entities you fear permission and encouragement to keep doing it.

By becoming preoccupied as to whether this pain or that fever might be a demon messing with you, you voluntarily give the demon power to give you this pain or that fever – in a very real sense the demon has evoked you!

you’ll probably live through, and there's nothing that neutralizes the power of a pesky demon more than having its scariness ignored

“... fear neither man not spirit. Fear is failure, courage is the beginning of virtue. ..."

[Low Magick ,LMD ]

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